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2022 Endorsement Letter from the Chair

Writer's picture: Staff WriterStaff Writer

June 17, 2022

To Whom it may concern,

McGOPAC is a Constitutional Political Action Committee whose First pillar is Pro-Life.

Founded in 2016, McHenry County GOPAC (McGOPAC) sought to support Conservative political causes and candidates in McHenry County. Working alongside the Republican Party, McGOPAC can do things that the party can't. We vet candidates, support those that we feel represent strong conservative values, or provide strategic advantage against our opponents. We participate in nonpartisan elections, we endorse candidates, (especially in contested primaries) and we recruit new candidates.

While vetting candidates, we don't just send out a questionnaire. We get fully immersed in the campaign season and feel it's important to attend and host many political events such as Rallies, Forums, Meet & Greets, Candidate Fundraisers, so we see how candidates interact with constituents, and respond to questions, and returns calls. We closely evaluate how candidates run their campaigns, if they are honest, behave honorably and are consistent. We collect, monitor and scrutinize political mailers for accuracy vs political rhetoric. We believe if a candidate lies or embellishes in order to get the job, what will they do to stay in office?

If you believe in our Founding Father's vision of our country, rooted in self-determinism, liberty, and equal opportunity for all, you've found your source for the best candidates our elections have to offer!

Our four pillars are:

  • Protection of the unborn

  • Preservation of our Constitutional rights

  • Honoring the life and legacy of those that fought for our country

  • Respecting our country's Judeo-Christian origins

You may find that this list is more detailed than others. We thought it was important to not only provide a list but also provide the rationale behind our decisions.

MCGOPC’s 2022 General Primary Election Endorsements:

Darren Bailey for Governor-has a 100% Pro-Life voting record and has been endorsed by every statewide pro-life Group and Leader in IL including Pro-Life Leader, Congresswoman Mary Miller and Jeanne Ives. Darren is a husband, father, Grandfather, business owner, family farmer and founder of Full Armor Christian Academy. He's a humble man who speaks of his marriage and explained that their 50/50 marriage is really 80/20 and wife Cindy is the 80% better half! He is a devout Christian and unapologetically Pro-Life. He was singular in fighting Pritzker’s unconstitutional mandates to his own peril in a Democrat-run state and he won. He's been fighting from the beginning while others were silent but he didn't care because he does what's right! Darren has led his campaign with his Pro-Life stance while his opponents have said they 'can't lead with that issue and win the election in places like the North Shore and with Suburban educated women'. Darren and Cindy love meeting all people across our great state, and explaining his plan to save Illinois. Darren was a 17 yr public servant on the public-school board and was asked to run for State Rep, then IL Senate and now Governor. He has won every race he's ever run and never fails to give all the glory to God. He leads a morning devotional that is a blessing to many who tune in. Darren is the real deal! He walks the walk and doesn't get down in the muck and the mire of negative campaigning. He is a joyful warrior who trusts in the Lord.

Judge Daniel Shanes for IL Supreme Court Justice, Second District- Illinois’ chance for a GOP majority on the Illinois Supreme Court depends on the second judicial district. Republicans have a once in a generation opportunity to gain control of the state’s Supreme Court, which has had a continuous Chicago Machine controlled Democrat majority for 60+ years! Judge Daniel Shanes is the only true conservative Republican candidate, and I urge all Republicans to support him in the primary. This election is too important.

What you need to know: Judicial races fall under a totally different code of conduct than other campaigns. If the candidate answers questionnaires or publicly beast the drum on an issue, they would be mandatorily recused from cases that deal with those issues, rendering them useless on the bench in cases important to us.

Under Supreme Court rule 63, opponents Curran and Noverini would be required to recuse themselves in any case regarding the unborn because they are on public record with their stance. That means that despite their beliefs, the Supreme Court would effectively be no safer for the unborn than it is today. We NEED a fighter on the IL Supreme Court! Shanes wants to be able to fight for Conservative values on the IL Supreme Court! Judge Shanes is also endorsed by Bonnie Quirke, Lake County Right to Life, and Jeanne Ives.

Thomas DeVore for Attorney General- Tom is a Southern Illinois Attorney who has spent the past 2 years educating, empowering and equipping the PEOPLE with the necessary tools to fight government overreach and mandates. Tom is known for his battles in the courtroom, fighting to keep small businesses open and challenging Governor J.B. Pritzker’s mask mandate in schools. He sued Pritzker and he won, freeing our kids from tyrannical public schools. He is currently empowering Parents who want to Opt-Out of the National Sex Education Standards developed by progressive groups and require Children in K-2 to be able to “Define gender, gender identity, and gender-role stereotypes. Children in 3rd grade will be taught to define and explain the differences between cisgender, transgender, gender nonbinary, gender expansive, and gender identity. Explain that gender expression and gender identity exist along a spectrum. Tom DeVore cares about kids! He sued Pritzker over mask mandates, he sued Chicago Mayor Lightfoot on behalf of the City of Chicago Police and Fire Department to end vaccination and testing policies, and sued the IL Dept of corrections to end vaccination and testing policies and he'll fight for you and our children!

Kathy Salvi for US Senate - Mother of six who has had a presence in the Republican Party for decades as a Conservative/Pro-Lifer, traveling to all 102 counties multiple times on behalf of numerous Conservative candidates, including her husband Al. She vows to vote to stop runaway inflation, make America energy independent again, secure the border, reduce crime and put Parents back in the driver's seat when it comes to their children’s education, fight for the UnBorn, and protect our 2nd amendment rights! Her daughter worked within the Trump administration (our most Pro-Life President) alongside Trump's Generals and most trusted advisors. Kathy is vested in this race putting $250,000 of her own retirement money into her campaign!

Jerry Evans for Eleventh Congressional Dist - A Millennial, Small Business Owner, Teacher, Christian, Husband, Father and missionary who founded a music school of 300 students, where he employs between 13-15 people. Jerry talked about how he feels blessed to do what he loves every day, but radical progressivist politicians in Washington continue to attach the freedoms and rights of Americans so Jerry decided to run for Congress and bring servant leadership back to Washington and the 11th Congressional Dist. Jerry was creative in keeping his business open during Pritzker's Unconstitutional mandates and kept his employees working as well. Evans is also endorsed by Pro-Life leader Jeanne Ives, Former chief Justice Bob Thomas as well as other Conservative endorsements, Jerry is also proudly and verbally Pro-Life.

Dave Syverson for IL State Senate 35th Dist.- Recently redistricted to the Western part of McHenry County, Dave has been endorsed by every statewide pro-life Group and Leader in IL including Pro-Life leader, Jeanne Ives. He has a 100% Pro-Life record and is also endorsed by all Law Enforcement. He doesn’t take his legislative raises but rather donates to worthy causes such as 1st Way Life Center and Senior Services as he did this year after being re-districted into McHenry County. Dave has stayed a true gentleman thru this campaign and has avoided negative attacks against his opponent.

Tony Colatorti for McHenry County Sheriff- Tony Colatorti has been a Police Chief in two McHenry County municipalities for a span of 22 yrs. The buck stops with a Police Chief. There are no days off.He started a canine unit in Prairie Grove and upon retiring was awarded his canine officer! Tony is also is a very successful business owner of a well known restaurant, Cucina Bella. He knows what it's like to sign the front of the checks as well as the back of them! He was able to creatively keep his business open during the shut-downs and has retained all but 1 of his staff. A restaurant that has that low of a turn-over rate says a lot about the business owner. Tony is a community leader as well as a seasoned Law Enforcement officer. At McGOPACs last event Tony's speech didn’t include a campaign speech, but it rather centered around his Catholic, unapologetic, Pro-Life Stance and his personal experience that led him to tell his story. Tony has run a stellar campaign and has a lot of support even from within the Sheriff's Dept. who recognize his leadership and feel the need for change. Tony is endorsed by many Law Enforcement professionals including the Fraternal Order of Police and Trump's favorite, Sheriff David Clarke, States Attorney Patrick Kenneally, County Treasurer, Glenda Miller and County Clerk, Joe Tirio.

Joe Tirio, McHenry County Clerk Joe is a strong Pro-Life advocate who hosted one of the largest Pro-Life events in the county last year. His Govt Watchdog Group ‘Voters In Action’ stopped a free clinic from going into the Woodstock High School that would have allowed High School females to get abortions without parental knowledge! Joe has saved nearly $3M since taking office in 2016, consolidating the Recorders office and the Clerks office, doing two jobs for the cost of one for the county. He has improved services while reducing his headcount by nearly a third. As the county's election authority, Joe is currently working on driving common-sense Voter ID and election integrity legislation with IL Senators to protect your vote. When the COVID lockdown hit, Joe closed his offices down for one day, and then opened them the following day. He kept his offices open throughout the pandemic to deliver the services you elected him for. When parents on his team were confronted with the choice between going to work and remote schooling their kids, Joe converted one of his conference rooms into a classroom where parents could bring their children and share monitoring duties with one another. Joe has raised the bar in county government by refusing the lucrative pension, and refusing to take part in patronage hires and nepotism-thus his website is:

Endorsed Pro-Life / Pro-Family Values McHenry County Board Candidates:

Dist 1: Tom Wilbeck

Dist 2: Jeff Thorsen and John Reinert

Dist 3: Eric Hendricks and Robert Reining

Dist 4: Mike Shorten and Suzanne Delaney

Dist 5: Terri Greeno - Pro-Life Activist

Dist 6: Carl Kamienski and Erik Sivertsen - Pro-Life Activist

Dist 7: Jeff Schwartz

Dist 8: Tracie Vonbergan

Dist 9: Jim Kearns

Endorsed Pro-Life Contested Precinct Committeeperson Candidates:

McHenry Township 4 Craig Wilcox

Nunda Township 8 - Karen Boso

Thank you for taking the time to read through our list. We hope that you will give each of the thoughtful consideration as you make your way to the polls.

Kindest Regards,

Karen Tirio

Chairwoman - McHenry County GOPAC

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Jun 20, 2022

Love this! Thank you for sharing!

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